Garage Door Won’t Open, What’s Broken?

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Garage Door Won’t Open, What’s Broken?

Double check if your spring is intact. If it’s in 2 to 3 to 4 pieces, it’s most likely broken. A spring system is normally one spring or two springs on a long rail above your garage door. This is what pulls your garage door up and down. If this is broken your garage door will not automatically go
up. It is possible for you to get your stuck cars out, simple pull the manual lever. This will allow you to pull up your garage door by hand. A broken spring is not ideal, and we’re sure you want this fixed as soon as possible. If you give us a call at AMR garage doors we can get it fixed for you under an hour. Our technicians have been doing this for years and years. What takes a newbie 3-4 hours, we can do in 40 minutes. Despite our expertise, our rates are still very competitive. On top, we save you time, time is money, so our rates are competitive times ten!

Spring Repair in Houston Tx

A broken spring happens due to wear and tear. A new spring, if chosen wisely has a life-span of at least 8-10 years. Your technician should also supply a 2-3 year warranty, so for any reason, your spring breaks earlier than expected, your warranty should cover it. This is why it is important to go with a good garage door company, they will make sure they provide you with the proper warranty and good quality parts. We’ve been in the game for a while now, we’ve seen some companies replace broken springs with refurbished springs. That’s not a good tactic, especially since the customer is paying for a brand new pair of springs. Call us at AMR Garage doors spring repair, we will make sure that your garage repair is taken care of. -manual brake

Garage Door makes a lot of Noise, do I need to replace it?

If you’d like to buy a new garage door, that’s great! Sometimes buying a new garage door will be more cost efficient than repairing a very old garage door. A new garage door comes with brand new tracks, garage door, garage door sensors, garage door spring, garage door rollers and other hardware. This should reduce a lot of the noise.
Now if you’re not looking to replace your garage door, that’s okay too! A great way to reduce noise is to change your garage door rollers. This is a great way to maintain your garage door. Replacing your rollers will reduce noise as well, brand new rollers make your garage door run so
much smoother. This is also cheaper than the first option, and a short term way to make your garage door less noisy.
Ok last but not least, another thing you can you is replace your garage door opener! Change to a belt drive rather than a chain drive. We talk more about this in the blog “all you need to know about garage door openers. Read before buying!” Check it out. Nonetheless, all this information
can be provided if you call us today! Our technicians are beyond experienced and will help you with any of your garage door or gate needs!

All you need to know about Garage Door openers. Read before buying!

A garage door opener is an item that will overall increase the value of your home. It is vital you know what kinds of openers there are and which one fit your need the best. It’s a great investment, and if chosen properly it will last you years and years. In this blog we’ll discuss a few different qualifications of garage door openers. The first option is choosing between a chain drive or belt drive. A belt drive garage door opener is exactly what the name sounds like,
it’s a opener that pulls up your door on a belt rather than a chain. This automatically reduces a lot of the sound you would hear when opening your garage door. As one could easily assume, a chain drive opener will have more noise because it runs on a chain. Either option is great, but
the belt-drive openers are amazingly quiet!
Next, choose the proper horsepower you need in an opener, this will depend on the kind of garage door you have. A wooden, heavy garage door will need a heavy duty garage door opener. A ¾ hp garage door opener will be a better option for a heavy door. You can check the weight of your door by looking at the tags on the side. If you still don’t know, our technicians
can tell you just by inspecting it. Now, you can use a ¾ rather than s ½ hp garage door opener for a light weight door. This will not hurt the door, if anything, it will extend the life and use of the door because you would be using a heavy duty opener on a door the opener has an easy
time opening and closing.
Lastly, choose a good name garage door opener! By that we mean, choose a trusted brand that manufacters quality products. From our experience, our most recalls come from garage door openers that are made by the brand Genie, it seems like the openers they are producing have decreased in quality over the years. Genie has great garage doors, just not openers. So beware! An amazing brand would be Chamberlain or Lift Master! Chamberlain garage door openers can be found at your local Home Depot or Lowes, whereas Lift Master garage door openers are solely sold by your local garage door dealer. Garage door dealerships are only open to garage
door companies, so your best bet would be to call a garage door company. Lift master garage door openers are exceptional and have some amazing models on the market right now. They’re long lasting and have the least amount of recalls. Liftmaster garage door opener owners often stick with the brand because they too love it!
That wraps it up, those are a few things to consider when buying a garage door opener. Again, if you don’t have time to figure out the nicks and nacks do not worry, our technicians are experts and we will handle everything for you. Any questions you have, they’ll take care of. AMR Garage doors will save you time and money! Give us a call now. We operate in the Houston and surrounding areas. This includes sugar land, cypress, katy, the woodlands, and a lot more.

Do you know about the newest garage door opener? Check it out now.

The latest garage door opener is the LiftMaster 85503. This garage Gate opener is one of a kind. It has a built-in camera with 360 degree rotation, motion detection and HD video. This camera allows for an extra security defense. It also has 2-way live communication options, alike the ring
door bell. All of these features can be accessed by an app on your phone. Lastly it comes with a battery back up, for any reason your electricity goes out, you won’t have to manually get your car out. This garage door opener is not only high tech, but one of the quietest models out in the market. For more information, ask an AMR Garage Door technician for more information.

What kind of spring is best for my garage door?

Our garage door technicians are experts at determining what spring will give your door the best run. Our springs are high quality and can last up to 10 years! Heavier doors such as wood garage doors may need extra heavy duty springs, custom made springs, or double springs.
These may take a week-or two to get in if they are out of stock at the dealership. It is true that a pair of springs can last you ten years, but that depends on how often you open and close your garage door. The more you use your garage door, the quicker the life of the spring decreases. Heavier garage doors require a two-spring system, which will extend the life of your spring. A good garage door company will make sure you get spring warranty. When installing a spring system, some faulty springs can break within a year. This is a manufacturing issue, so it is important that you make sure you have warranty. We guarantee warranty if we provide the
spring for you, if you buy it off of Amazon, well we can’t do much besides help you install it. We’ve been changing springs for years now, what takes people 4 hours to do, we can do in 45 minutes. Call us and find out how easy it is to get your garage door spring fixed. We’ll save you time, hassle and any potential injury. With that being said, please make sure your garage door is a safe working space for our technicians. Also keep in mind, if you purchase a new garage door, springs should be included in the parts that come with a new garage door. Call us at 713-340-4756 to have our technician check out your garage door!

Author: admin

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